Sunday, May 25, 2008

News from the New Orleans’s trenches:

(update written by Elizabeth Johnson)

I spoke to Stephen, Sarah, and Dean last night, with
Texas Tony in the background holding down the fort.
Ezra, Adrienne and Zach found a ride off craigslist
and left a few days ago. John and Tawny had to go, and
Dan Fountain has been with Dirty Hands on and off with
his mother, too. As of yesterday, May 24, the
remaining Dirty Seven are Vince, Saffron, Dean,
Stephen, Tony, Sarah, and Francis.

They report they're doing really well, and projects
and non-profit status are moving forward. They are
working with legal counsel, Tracy Washington, who's
helping with the application of the 501 c 3. They've
been working with Rev. Willie, doing some demo work,
laying dry wall, and getting the medical lab next door
to the church back up. That will be a big asset to the
community so things like HIV testing can be done.
though he's never done one before, learning as he
goes, Stephen is setting up the Noah's Ark web page.
They have also worked some with Common Ground and are
roundtabling with other New Orleans non-profits to
prioritize efforts so they can be most effective. A
health clinic is in the works, and Stephen says
there’s been some case management, working with
battered women, and counseling programs.

The group wrote their (our) mission statement and it
looks like the ambitious project in the works is
building a much-needed youth center. They’ll need
funding for contractors and materials once the plans
are developed. (Fundraising: That's where we come in!)
They are conferencing with Sean and Alison on Monday,
when they’re back from their success at Cannes. In
such a short time, it’s clear that Dirty Hands is
doing everything to immerse themselves with people in
the community and making a direct impact on New
Orleans, one project at a time!

The non-profit might take about 6 months, so for now
tax-deductible donations are being done through Noah's
Ark Church. The Extreme Makeover show was a HUGE
success and has brought national attention to the
cause and made the efforts even that more legit. The
Dirty Hands got to go the premiere party for the show
– lucky devils - and had a blast! Celebs they are

And how can Dirty Hands not be celebs after Vince’s
streaking through the streets??! When they all were
sleeping one night, someone came in the window and
took off with Vince’s laptop. Vince woke up and tore
after the thief – in the buff. Dean followed shortly
after in his underwear, asking neighbors, “Which way
did the naked guy go?” Good news! Vince caught up with
the guy, explained that they were volunteers helping
out, and luckily the guy gave it back. Victoire! Not
only did Vince and Dean wow the neighbors with their
Greek physiques, but they let all know that Dirty
Hands, legs, feet and all, are living amongst them and
there to stay.

I think the biggest impression I had after speaking to
them is that they are working so intensely, without
much Internet or contact with the outside world, it’s
hard not to feel isolated. They were truly surprised
to hear how much the rest of Dirty Hands are still in
daily touch with each other and how much we miss them
and are with them in spirit. We may have expanded the
net out to LA, Canada, Australia, Ibiza, New York, San
Fran, Austin, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, Seattle,
Santa Barbara or wherever – but we are still with
y'all in N’Awlins! We're admiring! Keep on trucking!

As soon as we all left, Sean gave each of the
remaining folks a stipend to take care of food, rent
and personals. Very, very cool. I know for most of us
who took off, it’s been a shocker getting back to real
life for one reason or another, and support really
helps indeed.

Marisca (sweetheart) sent them a care package. I’m
sure anything, especially gift cards to Home Depot and
Whole Foods, would be appreciated. Their address is:

2707 Dryades
New Orleans, LA

P.S. Update on Chris Jasmine: He’s out of jail with a
$250 fine to pay within 28 days. It was hell in OPP –
people fighting for food or starve to death. In Chris’
words: “Ridiculous.” The cops arrested Chris under
the bridge where he gets food and where nearby he goes
to the temp offices for work. The cops beat him and
choked the food out of his mouth. He’s ok now,
considering, and ready to work. Chris is supposed to
contact Stephen, who is going to get him connected to
some furniture. Hope abounds.

1 comment:

mariska said...

xx mariska